
New materialism and its intersection with the history of educational media

IP 10: Technology from a New Materialist Perspective

Intellectual production #10 (required) Due Dec 9th latest
Making direct and substantive reference to the podcast, video and readings, please respond in writing (no bullets) to ONE of the following questions;

Returning to the specific educational technology activity you worked on in Topic 2, what would you change or add to your initial description/characterization, in reconsidering that technology from a new materialist perspective. (400 words max)
Imagine you are leading (You are getting paid a lot of money to do this!) a professional learning seminar for educational technology specialists wanting to “think outside the box”. How would you explain to them what new materialism is? What are 3 or 4 examples you could use to show them some of the differences a new materialist perspective offers to technology studies? How would you get them to understand why new materialism invites a re-thinking of “best practices”? (400 words max)

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